Welcome to Space Madness! We hope that Space Madness will be one of the best games you’ve ever played! If you have any problems, questions, suggestions or comments, please feel free to write or call us. Select Contact Information from the Contents menu to find out how to contact us.
• Where’s the Manual?
In an effort to cut down on wasted paper, we have decided not to include a hardcopy manual with Space Madness. In our experience most people just throw the manual away, or tuck it off in a corner somewhere where it will never be seen again. Instead, the manual is electronic, in the form of this file and the extensive help screens in the game. This not only saves paper, but it reduces waste that would be generated in the manufacturing of the manual. We hope that this will inspire other game companies to become more environmentally conscious, and do the same.
A side effect is that it guarantees that the manual will always be up-to-date - no Read Me file with all the changes that didn’t make it in time for the manual printing!
If you feel that you must have a hardcopy version of this manual, you can print out the text by selecting Print from the File menu.